My writingSome things I've written over the years. ⭐️ means it's a favorite of mine.2022Electrify by Saul GriffithHoney harvest 2022March 2022February 2022January 2022The Second Mountain by David Brooks2021Project Hail Mary by Andy WeirJuly 2021Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer ⭐️Marry Him by Lori GottliebSomewhat known in certain circles ⭐️Biking Hamilton, Diablo & Tam in a dayThe Tupperware drawer ⭐️Environment shapes usFreedom is choosing (to be less free)My view on work ⭐️The Defining Decade by Meg JayMe, the Mayor ⭐️Death Valley 2021When Breath Becomes Air by Paul KalanithiThe Shallows by Nicholas Carr2020Flavoring chocolate with liquid inclusions7 Summits of Desolation WildernessGlacier Point cross country ski camping2018Tempering chocolate with cocoa butter “silk”How to make bean-to-bar chocolate at homeMapping the effects of zoning reform bill SB 8272014Automatically export Sketch slices into an Xcode .xcassets bundle2012Nobody will buy a $1B Instagram2011The Instagram Challenge: how to unshred an image using PythonWhat an internship provides that college can'tMac or PC?Shine: a better weather app ⭐️First thoughts on my internship at SimpleGeo